Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Now Lord Krishna a specific example that if the mind losing its equilibrium begins to waver due to the influence of rajas or passion. Then the mind should be apprehended and brought securely under control guided back to focus on the atma or soul in a serene meditative state. So the conclusion is that whatever object tempts the unsteady mind to pursue it; from that very same object one must withdraw the restless mind and steady solely in the eternal atma.
| Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Whatever also means wherever. Wherever the mind turns to in pursuit of any external object whatever it should be diverted back and re-routed within to the atma or soul inside and exclusively installed reside there. This is Lord Krishna's meaning.
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Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Lord Krishna is explaining that whither ever so ever the fickle mind flutters and flickers about to wander in infatuation away from the atma or soul in pursuit of the objects of the senses, let all efforts be made to withdraw the mind therefrom and guide it back persuading it convincingly the fact that the atma itself is the supreme goal of happiness.
| Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
A question may be raised that if the controlled mind becomes suddenly tempestuous and restless what should be done? Lord Krishna answers this question here. The mind must be immediately rescued back from whatever sense object that caused the mind to deviate and this should be done again and again until the mind becomes fixed in the atma or soul.