Chapter 9Confidential Knowledge of the Ultimate TruthVerse 26


Sanskrit Vocal





Commentaries of the Four Authorized Vaisnava Sampradayas

as confirmed in the Garga Samhita Canto 10, Chapter 61, Verses 23, 24, 25, 26
Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:


Sridhara Swami's Commentary

Thus it has been revealed that the devotees of the Supreme Lord attain eternal benedictions and now Lord Krishna explains how simple and easy it is to render bhakti or exclusive loving devotion unto Him. One who has no position in society who is penniless but clean externally and cleansed internally. If such a being offers the Supreme Lord a fruit or flower, or some water or even a leaf to the Supreme Lord with devotion in their heart He will gladly accept and transcendentally enjoy with great pleasure such simple things. Unlike the demigods who will only accept offerings of great opulence and other petty gods who expect one to perform very unreasonable and sometimes horrendous requests to prove one's allegiance; the Supreme Lord Krishna possessing eternal existence, unlimited knowledge and immeasurable bliss as well as all superlative qualities and excellent attributes is not half as pleased by opulent, ostentatious offerings as He is pleased by offerings imbued and saturated by the loving devotion of bhakti. Therefore whatever simple or minute offering is given to Him by His devotee He happily accepts even if it is only a leaf.

Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:


Madhvacarya's Commentary

Perchance one may assume that since Lord Krishna is in the paramount position as the Supreme Lord and God of all lords and gods then His worship and propitiation will be the most complicated and difficult and so worship of lesser gods is easier. To clear this misconception Lord Krishna states me bhaktya prayacchati meaning if one offers to Him with devotion. As it is only possible that His devotees have devotion for Him it is natural that He only accepts offerings from His devotees. The Varaha Purana states that: Offerings from those who are not His devotees by unrighteous means does not lead to positive results. Exclusively by bhakti or loving devotion for His satisfaction does the Supreme Lord become pleased. The Mahabharata has stated that: One who is in communion with the Supreme Lord through bhakti is revered by all. Solely by bhakti to the Supreme Lord exclusively is one considered in this world to be beyond the sway of the three gunas being the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance and beyond the pull of their own self interest for one has communion with the Supreme Lord externally as the all pervading cognisant and internally as paramatma the all pervasive supreme soul in all sentient beings.

Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:


Ramanuja's Commentary

Whoever offers the Supreme Lord Krishna even the most easily obtainable articles such as a flower, a fruit, some water or even a leaf, He will accept if the are offered with bhakti or exclusive loving devotion. Lord Krishna's devotee love Him so ardently and enthusiastically that without dedicating all they have for His acceptance the devotee finds themselves unable to tolerate their very existence and subsequently so impassioned do they feel this love that their very act of offering in devotion even a leaf has great merit in the fulfillment of their enthusiasm to please the Supreme Lord. The compound word prayatmatmanah means a devoted, pure minded and pure hearted being. Pure in mind, pure in heart consists of an attitude and mentality of dedicating everything they offer to the Supreme Lord exclusively with only motives of pure devotion and love which is the topmost ambition and goal of the spiritually enlightened. Thus such humble offerings as water or even a simple leaf are given with love by such persons.

The Supreme Lord Krishna, the Resplendent Lord of all Lords, Whose will is unalterable. Who is completely self-satisfied. Whose glorious qualities and attributes are transcendent and limitless. Who is the sole source of all created beings and from Whom all the trillions of universes come into existence, He views their appearance and disappearance like a marvelous show that is like sport for Him. Although He is supremely and sublimely satisfied naturally in the unlimited bliss of Himself in unparalleled felicity; He is always joyful to receive an offering from His devotees no matter how simple. The Supreme Lord accepts even the most humble offering from His devotee even if it is only fresh water or a flower which are easily available because it is given with bhakti or loving devotion. The Moksa Dharma states: The Supreme Lord looks at such offerings as being so rare and precious that they are comparable to the most cherished possession of desired expectations in a longing heart. In Mahabharata, Santi-parva, chapter CLXXI, verse LXIII it states: Whatever acts are consecrated to the Supreme Lord with exclusive single focused devotion, the Supreme Lord Himself accepts them upon His head. Inasmuch as these are the special characteristics of the exalted, noble souled bhaktas or loving devotees of the Supreme Lord. Everyone regardless of position should without consideration of thinking or acting become such a bhakta and along with all family members attain loving devotion to the Supreme Lord as has been profusely described. Such a one should always be singing His glories, chanting His praises, remembering His pastimes, rendering service to Him, worshipping Him, prostrating before Him and offering everything to Him. All these things should be lovingly performed along with one's secular and religious duties according to one's varna and asrama or class and position in society as authorized by Vedic scriptures.

Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:


Kesava Kasmiri's Commentary

Here it can be discerned that unlike the deities of other gods who need extensive exertion and effort to gain their benedictions, the devotees of Lord Krishna feel perfectly at ease in worshipping Him. This is what He is indicating by the words me bhaktya prayacchati meaning offering to Him with loving devotion. Even if one of sinless mind and pure heart fully focusing on the Supreme Lord offers Him something that is obtained without effort such as water or even a leaf or flower; if it is imbued with devotion it is sanctified and the Supreme Lord, who is the fully content and cognisant controller of the entire creation indecipherable by Brahma and Shiva, becomes pleased and indeed He feels indebted to such a devotee. The Narayaniya section of Mahabharata states: Brahma, Shiva, the demigods, other gods, the Daityas, Danavas, Raksasas, Asuras, celestial sages, the Nagas, Garuda, Gandharvas, Siddhas and royal sages that whatever oblations either sacrificial or ancestral all ends up automatically at the feet of the Supreme Lord. But whatever action is performed with bhakti or exclusive loving devotion to Him, He accepts with the utmost appreciative and affectionate love.

Thus ends commentaries of chapter 9, verse 26 of the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita.

Verse 26

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