Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Of letters of the alphabet, Lord Krishna's vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the letter A for it representing all speech is the foremost. The Vedic scriptures declare that the letter A is all speech and takes many various forms when manifested from different parts of the body such as throat, nose, palate, abdomen etc. Of compound words His vibhuti is the dual compound such as Rama-Krishna which exemplifies the prominence of both. Before in verse 30 He stated that His vibhuti was time in terms of controller regarding the longevity of all created beings lifespan, in the finite sense; but here He reveals another aspect of time being His vibhuti in the infinite sense as an eternal ever flowing constancy. That time determined the duration of a life and is terminated when the jiva or embodied being's life is terminated. While this time flows uninterrupted as infinite time. Of creators His vibhuti is dhataham visvato- mukhah meaning the four faced Brahma who faces can see on all sides.
| Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
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Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Lord Krishna reveals that of the letters of the alphabet His vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the Sanskrit letter A-kara which is the root of all other letters. The Rig Veda, III.II.III in the Aitareya- Aranyaka section beginning akaro vai sarva-vak states that the letter A itself contains all speech. An example of His vibhuti of dvandva or compound words are Rama-Krishna. Samasikasya is the class of compound word forming in Sanskrit. Of the several ways to compound Lord Krishna is the dual compound of which both terms are substanative attributes of equal position with each other grammatically. His vibhuti is also expressed as ever flowing time composed of uninterupted divisions such as kala a measurement of 8 seconds and muhurta a period comprising 1/60th of a 24 hour day. Among secondary creators His vibhuti is the four headed dhataham known as Brahma.
| Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Among the sounds of speech from the various letters of all languages Lord Krishna's vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the sound represented by the first letter of the alphabet known as A. Among different types of compounds in grammar His vibhuti is the dual compound whose both parts are complimentary yet independent. Among subjugators His vibhuti is all subjugating time terminating all existence in the form of Shiva at the time of universal destruction and of creators His vibhuti is visvato-mukhah the four- headed Brahma. The Svetara Upanisad VI.XVI states: He who is the knower and devourer of time the omniscient one possessing all auspicious attributes etc. In the Udyoga Parva of Mahabharta it states: Lord Krishna incessantly revolves the wheel of time, the wheel of the worlds and the wheel of all dimensions by His vibhuti. The Supreme Lord Krishna rules over all time, all death and all that is moving and non-moving. This is eternal truth.