Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Lord Krishna confirms that tama guna or mode of ignorance is darkness of knowledge, absence of discrimination, indolence, listlessness, forgetfulness, delusion, erroneous conclusions. Where such characteristics are seen it is clear that tama guna is predominant within a jiva or embodied being.
| Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
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Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Here Lord Krishna explains what is indicative of tama guna or the mode of ignorance. The word aprakasa means devoid of illumination, nescience, ignorance. The word apravrrtih means inertia, lethargy, absence of effort. The word pramada means madness, fragmentation, propensity for sinful activities. The word moha means illusion, distortion, misinterpretation of reality. When tamas is predominant then delusion and perversion are seen to be rampant in society.
| Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Here Lord Krishna speaks of the indications of tama guna or the mode of ignorance with the presence of inertia, indolence and delusion in the mind and in the senses.. The word moha means absorbed in illusion; hence neglectfulnesss of the teachings of the spiritual master, carelessness in obligatory duties such as fasting from all grains on ekadasi which is the 11th day leading to the new moon and full moon. Listlessness, inactivity and subject to the illusion of perverting reality with distorted impressions giving a false view of life. By all these things one can be seen to be controlled by tama guna.